Posts tagged Cafe Rowan
Portland | 24 Hours In Portland? These Are The Places To Visit

After spending two full days in Willamette Valley, it was time to head to downtown Portland for a little change of scenery. For those unfamiliar with Portland, it’s a vibrant area with a mix of attractions. For my book lovers, pay a visit to the largest independent bookstore in the world, Powell’s City of Books. Not only does it span an entire city block, but it has an extensive collection of new and used books. It’s an easy place to lose track of time. For my art enthusiasts, check out The Portland Art Museum, the oldest museum in the Pacific Northwest. It boasts an incredible collection of Native American artifacts, contemporary art, and some incredible rotating exhibitions. In fact, I am kicking myself for not making time to see the Monet to Matisse: French Moderns exhibit. If you don’t have time to spend at the museum, Portland is known for its vibrant public art scene. The downtown area is dotted with murals and sculptures, making it fun to explore on foot

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