Camera Ready Captures In Tulum
Tulum, Travel Catherine Courtney Tulum, Travel Catherine Courtney

Camera Ready Captures In Tulum

Why do we take photos?

It’s a question I ask myself regularly as I pull out my iPhone. For as long as I can remember, I have loved taking photos. I still remember bringing my bulky 35MM camera with me EVERYWHERE I went. There was nothing more satisfying than finishing a roll of film and dropping it off to have it developed. I would spend hours with my friends looking at pictures, making photo albums and reliving those special moments.

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Fire To Table Simplicity At Arca
Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney

Fire To Table Simplicity At Arca

“ Where should I eat in Tulum?”

Aside from asking where to say, that’s quite possibly one of the most loaded questions a traveler can ask.

Like any food enthusiast, I put in the time and did the research. However, you know you have a problem when you have more restaurants to try than meals to eat! Of course, it’s a great problem to have and only means there are return trips in my future.

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Tulum's Secret Garden : Cenzontle
Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney

Tulum's Secret Garden : Cenzontle

Does anyone else have Type-A tendencies? Waiting in lines give you absolute anxiety, you’re overly mindful almost borderline conscientious, you loathe wasting time, days are guided by serious to-do lists and you find it hard to relax? If you’re like me, you identify with almost EVERY SINGLE ONE of these items. Some people call it perfectionism, others may categorize you as a workaholic and those who aren’t so friendly may call you damn crazy. Regardless of the label or social commentary, this is me and I’ll own it.

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Place Your Bets On These Breakfast Spots In Tulum
Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney

Place Your Bets On These Breakfast Spots In Tulum

Morning Rituals. It’s something we all have but it can be nice to change it up now and then. When I’m home, I’m rolling out of bed at 5:00 a.m, caffeinating with an oat milk latte and trying to pull it together before I leave for work. Sounds dreadful, right?

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Follow Your Heart To The Kitchen Table
Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney Tulum, Food Catherine Courtney

Follow Your Heart To The Kitchen Table

If you were to ask me where I was dining and drinking in Tulum, I would have rattled off a list of taquerias, juice bars and open-air restaurants that were on the itinerary. I never imagined that one of my top meals of 2019 would be in a restaurant nestled among the lush fronds of the jungle powered completely by solar panels.

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Blonde Voyage's Tulum Travel Guide
Tulum, Travel Catherine Courtney Tulum, Travel Catherine Courtney

Blonde Voyage's Tulum Travel Guide

Tulum is undoubtedly one of the top trending destinations in the world. It’s almost impossible to scroll through Instagram these days and NOT see one of your favorite bloggers posting about this bohemian-chic jungle town.

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