Globetrotting Gastronomic World Tour @ Next Restaurant
Chicago, Food Catherine Courtney Chicago, Food Catherine Courtney

Globetrotting Gastronomic World Tour @ Next Restaurant

For those of you who have been following Blonde Voyage Nashville, you know that I have season tickets to Next Restaurant in Chicago, Illinois. It's probably the one thing that I get asked about the most as people have a difficult time ascertaining the whole "season tickets to a restaurant" concept. To be quite honest, it's been an experience for which I am incredibly grateful.

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Chicago, Food, Travel Catherine Courtney Chicago, Food, Travel Catherine Courtney

Bringing a little Napa Valley to Chicago: The French Laundry @ Next Restaurant

Even though it's been almost ten years, I remember it like it was yesterday. We were driving to Yountville, sipping champagne and exchanging stories about dishes we'd heard about and speculating on what the experience would be like.  It was almost as if we were kids in school gossiping about what took place on the playground. Quite possibly the shortest 45-minute drive I've ever taken.

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