Chicago | Let Your Tongue Decide- The Dining Room At Moody Tongue
Unsurprisingly, culinary travel has increased in popularity over the last few years. After all, I’ve been saying food is an excellent reason to travel. No matter the destination, I try to keep an eye out for unusual foods or drinks that genuinely speak to me.

The Best Dishes Of 2022 | Truffle Edition
It’s hard to believe that in just a few days, we will say goodbye to 2022. It’s been a remarkable year, to say the least. I’m so incredibly grateful that travel has resumed, and I’ve had the opportunity to explore several new areas and revisit a few favorites. Recently, I spent some time scrolling through my photos, reliving some of my favorite moments and dishes from 2022. Trust me; there have been a lot ( and yes, the scale agrees.) If you’re new to Blonde Voyage Nashville, you should know that I am a truffle enthusiast. If it’s on the menu, I am going to order it. The aroma is simply intoxicating; it’s like nothing else you will experience.
Kasama | One Of Chicago's Most Acclaimed Restaurants
Food is one of the most delicious expressions of love, culture, and those who influence us. Dining brings those elements to the table showcasing the true beauty of food.

The Best Dishes of 2021
As 2021 comes to a close, I am recapping some of the most amazing, jaw-dropping dishes I’ve had in the last twelve months. These dishes inspired me, provided the utmost comfort, made me weak in the knees, and some left me smiling for days on end. Like a great relationship without baggage, drama, and dietary restrictions.

Big Kids | The Quintessential Love Letter To The '90s
Before social media, screen time, and smart TVs took over the world, there was the decade that gave us grunge music like Nirvana and Pearl Jam and fashion trends like chokers, acid-washed jeans, and Dr. Martens.
Ah… the 90’s. What a time to be alive.

Why You Need To Make Reservations ASAP For S.K.Y. Chicago
After a year of canceled plans, multiple COVID tests, and restricted travel, I’m ready to get back to doing what I love, eating my way through the Windy City. The pandemic lockdown forced me to stay at home, get creative in my kitchen, and prepare my meals (gasp!). Let’s say there are only so many ways you can make that bagged salad from Trader Joe’s look appealing. If I’ve learned anything in the past year, it’s a newfound appreciation for travel and the fact that I will never take dining in a restaurant again.

It's Great To Be Back, Chicago!
After a year of being locked down and unable to freely move about the country or anywhere other than the four walls of your home, it seems as if the world is slowly starting to reopen. While each city and country is opening up at its own pace, it’s great news for travelers and adventure-seekers alike.
The Best Bites Of 2020
When I sat down to plan several of my blog posts for the year, the Best Bites of 2020 was one that I looked forward to writing. This stroll down memory lane allows me to relive some of my favorite and not so favorite dining experiences, all while realizing I’ve consumed a million + calories in the past 365 days. C'est la vie!
Elevate Your Cocktail Game At Machine
Cocktail culture is something that not only intrigues me but is constantly evolving. Gone are the days of sipping on rum and cokes and pounding Jager-bombs, unless you still reside on a college campus or in your parent’s basement. In a world where craft cocktails are king, barflies are sipping on timeless classics like Martinis, Manhattans, and Margaritas.

A Southern Girl's Guide to Chicago
If you’ve followed Blonde Voyage Nashville for any length of time, you know that Chicago has a special place in my heart. I’ve been traveling up there on a regular basis since 2011 and I continue to become more captivated with the the architecture, the culinary scene and the great people of the city.
Why Chicago?
Alinea: The Gastronomic Experience That Changed My Perspective
We all have moments in our lives that can be considering defining or fundamentally changing, shaping us into the amazing humans we are today. Perhaps it’s getting your degree, persevering and finishing that first marathon, meeting the love of your life or taking your first trip abroad, each changes your perspective and outlook on life. The evening that I opened the door to Alinea was pivotal as my outlook on life and food was forever changed.
Fork Yeah! Little Goat Diner
Why is it so hard to find a decent brunch place on a Friday? Is it because most of the general population is supposed to be working? Work schmerk. After all, a girl has gotta eat!
Globetrotting Gastronomic World Tour @ Next Restaurant
For those of you who have been following Blonde Voyage Nashville, you know that I have season tickets to Next Restaurant in Chicago, Illinois. It's probably the one thing that I get asked about the most as people have a difficult time ascertaining the whole "season tickets to a restaurant" concept. To be quite honest, it's been an experience for which I am incredibly grateful.

Pursuit of the Perfect Pizza: Chicago Pizza and Oven Grinder
When you hear Chicago what comes to mind? Da Bears? The Bean in Millennium Park? The terribly long line that forms at Garrett's Popcorn? Maybe it's the World Series Champions, the Chicago Cubbies.
Keeping It In The Family: Rhine Hall Distillery
Rhine Hall. It's a new name in the Nashville market but one that Chicagoans know very well. Nestled in the heart of West Fulton Market, Charlie and Jenny Solberg are keeping their family tradition alive producing some of the best eau de vie around. You might be scratching your head about now or pulling up a tab to google "eau de vie." Don't worry, I had to do the same thing.

Next Restaurant takes us back to Ancient Rome
Every year around November/December, I anxiously anticipate Next Restaurant's menus for the upcoming year. Chef Grant Achatz and Chef Jenner Tomaska are both imaginative and calculated with their menu iterations.

Windy City Bites: Entente
While I was in the midst of my foodie reconnaissance for an upcoming trip to Chicago, I stumbled across a restaurant new to the Chicago dining scene, Entente. As I began to read through several articles, I became very excited and knew this was a must during my visit. At the helm of this new venture is Chef Brian Fisher, formerly of Michael Carlson's Schwa and Chef Mari Katsumura, formerly of Curtis Duffy's Grace. With that combination of culinary prowess, I knew I would be in for a treat.

Windy City Bites: Yuzu Sushi and Robata Grill
Confession: My name is Catherine Courtney and I eat for the insta. Let's be honest, everyone does it whether they admit it or not. It's an epidemic.

A Rick Bayless Classic: Topolobampo
Every time I go to Chicago, I try to make it to a few new restaurants. Over the past eighteen months, it's been harder and harder to abbreviate my list as the Chicago dining scene is always evolving. When one place closes, three more open making it exhausting for this Nashville girl to keep up.
Bringing a little Napa Valley to Chicago: The French Laundry @ Next Restaurant
Even though it's been almost ten years, I remember it like it was yesterday. We were driving to Yountville, sipping champagne and exchanging stories about dishes we'd heard about and speculating on what the experience would be like. It was almost as if we were kids in school gossiping about what took place on the playground. Quite possibly the shortest 45-minute drive I've ever taken.
Prague is one of those cities that just gets you—like an old friend who knows exactly when you need a beer, a perfectly crafted cocktail, or a cozy corner to sip in style.