Foncastel Picpoul de Pinet

Foncastel Picpoul de Pinet

GRAPES: 100% Picquepoul


REGION: Languedoc, France


PRICE: $8.99

Hello, fellow oenophiles! I hope that you all are having a fantastic summer. If you are anything like me, you are doing everything possible to survive this unbearable summer heat. It's funny, as I never thought I'd utter those words. In my 20s, I'd wake up, pack a cooler, and head directly to the pool. There was no passing "go" or collecting $200.00. I spent every free moment soaking up as much sunshine as my poor skin could handle. Now that I am…what you'd say, wiser, give me all the sunscreen and air condition possible.

It's funny how time changes perspective, isn't it?!

While I was at Trader Joe's helping my friend pick out wines for her Fourth of July celebration, I stumbled upon Foncastel Picpoul de Pinet. I knew it was "new" to the Nashville Trader Joe's, and oftentimes, you can't go wrong with a bottle of French wine, so we both grabbed a bottle to try. While Trader Joe's guidance was to serve this with sushi and oysters, I decided to enjoy this solo while researching my upcoming trip to Mexico City. ( If you have any tips or favorite spots, please send them my way! )

If you're like me, I knew nothing about Picquepoul grape variety. In fact, I had to break out my handy wine reference book and read up. Picquepoul grapes are grown in the Languedoc region of southern France, and it's the only Languedoc appellation dedicated to dry white wine production. The Languedoc region is known and dominated by blends, and this is one of the few areas that allows the use of the single grape variety.

Picpoul de Pinet is often known as a summertime wine that is perfect for enjoying at a picnic or poolside.

Let's see if it lives up to all the hype, shall we?

Tasting Notes:

  • Pale lemon yellow hue with hints of green

  • Crisp and refreshing with heavy citrus notes- think green apple, lemon, grapefruit

  • Medium acidity

  • Light-Medium bodied


With a price point of $8.99, this bottle is an absolute yes for me. Not only is it crisp and refreshing, but it's an excellent alternative for those who enjoy Pinot Grigio and Sauvignon Blancs, not to mention it will be a conversation starter if you bring it to your neighborhood barbecue. Again, TJ's recommended pairing it with oysters on the half-shell, but I took a different approach and enjoyed it solo. Given the acidity, it would pair nicely with more decadent cheeses and would be a lovely pairing for charcuterie.

We know how Trader Joe's is. If you find a bottle you love, grab a few before they are gone. If you grab this one, let me know what you think!

Stay cool, friends!

Until Next Time!