Hendersonville Hotspots
Nashville Catherine Courtney Nashville Catherine Courtney

Hendersonville Hotspots

There’s something incredibly special about the relationship between hairstylists and their clients. Oftentimes, these relationships last longer than most romantic relationships, even marriages. Within 30 minutes of sitting down, I’ve already spilled the tea. Family drama, dates, gossip, you name it, and we’ve talked about it.

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Weekend Wandering: Chattanooga, Tennessee
Weekend Wandering, Chattanooga Catherine Courtney Weekend Wandering, Chattanooga Catherine Courtney

Weekend Wandering: Chattanooga, Tennessee

Despite the fact that many international borders are closed and flight restrictions are abundant, I’ve been trying to keep travel and exploration alive during COVID-19 quarantine. I’ve looked at photos from my past adventures (honestly, I never realized just how many photos I took), cooked ethnic recipes from around the globe, and watched just about every food documentary housed on Netflix. While all these are great ways to pass the time, it doesn’t satiate my appetite for travel. Travel allows us to broaden our perspective and shapes our minds in ways we didn’t even know were possible and I am missing that more than ever right now.

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Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler At City Tap
Nashville Catherine Courtney Nashville Catherine Courtney

Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler At City Tap

City Tap House, one of Sobro's newest establishments, has been calling Music City home since late 2017. Located on 3rd Avenue South, City Tap House has over 60 craft beers sourced from local and regional breweries and focuses on serving gourmet American pub fare. It's ideal for those wanting to grab a beer flight and bite before a show at Ascend or even those locals who are playing tour guide to their out of town friends. There is certainly something for everyone. 

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Cocktailing In East Nashville
Nashville Catherine Courtney Nashville Catherine Courtney

Cocktailing In East Nashville

Weekends. Do you exist anymore? I am beginning to wonder. If I remember correctly, a weekend was defined by the time I closed out of PowerPoint and shut my computer down on Friday afternoon until it was booted back up on Monday morning. This time was typically used for leisurely activities: checking out movies, shopping, and cocktailing with my friends.

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Can't Miss Craft Beer: Brussels Beer Project
Belgium, Brussels Catherine Courtney Belgium, Brussels Catherine Courtney

Can't Miss Craft Beer: Brussels Beer Project

Before the plane even touched down in Belgium, I was on a quest for the perfect Belgian beer. Other than waffles, frites, mussels and chocolate, Belgium is known for having some of the best beer in the world.  I literally packed all of my clothes, well most of them, into my carry-on so I had ample room to bring back some of the finest Belgium had to offer.

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